Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Things Are Heating Up - And I Don't Mean The Weather

Although it is REALLY hot down here on the beaches of sunny Florida. Hell hot.

But I'm actually referring to our southern border. If it wasn't enough that the Mexican president came down here and insulted us in our own Congress, now he and his fellow Mexican agitators are pushing out the sob stories of illegals fleeing Arizona. Those poor law breakers aren't going to be able to stay there.

Whatever shall we do??

Before you accuse me of being a racist, anti-Hispanic freak, let me explain to you that my spouse is Hispanic. Don't throw that card on me. And guess what? He was born here, but his family wasn't. So guess what else? His family came here LEGALLY. His grandfather said one of the proudest moments of his life was the day he became a U. S. citizen.

You noticed I said my husband's family came here LEGALLY, right?

You'll pardon me if I don't accept the "You are a racist" rhetoric. Tell that to my husband. He'll be surprised to know the woman he's having great sex with hates him for his heritage.

Meanwhile it sounds to me as if the Arizona law is doing exactly what it is supposed to. Causing illegals to flee.

But our friendly Mexican neighbors won't rest until the border is a war zone. They pulled their weapons on American investigators today. The FBI agents were there investigating the death of a Mexican teenager killed by a border patrol agent. Mexican police insist the agent crossed into Mexico and shot the boy. And while I grieve with the family of this young man, I will not jump to the conclusion that the American border patrol agents were in the wrong unless it is proven. Here in America we have that whole innocent-until-proven-guilty thing going for us. I know it is very inconvenient for those jumping to the conclusion that those nasty border officers are just running around shooting innocent children. Which is exactly what the Mexican tabloids did today - complete with photos and headlines saying "Things Americans Do." Yeah, you know us Americans, sending foreign aid ALL OVER the WORLD and going into debt spending money we don't have so we can SHOOT people for fun. That's just how we are.

Of course, there's a video. According to the border patrol, their video proves the Mexican police version is not true and that the border patrol agents were under attack and on American soil. I'm sure we're all shocked to think that the pure, altruistic Mexican police - known for their integrity - could possibly lie.

Darn all these people with video cameras recording everything. It's making it harder and harder for the criminal element to get away with their lies after the fact. First those pesky Israelis had proof of their version of the flotilla incident, now those stinking border patrol agents are videoing their interactions with the lawbreakers invading our country.

It's getting harder and harder to get away with crime these days.

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