Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Presidential Class

I just want us to all imagine for five seconds what the press would be saying if Cowboy Bush had uttered the "kick ass" phrase with regards to ANYthing.

Between Biden's insisting that healthcare legislation was a big f***ing deal, Obama insisting that somebody plug the damn hole, and his desire to kick someone's ass, I'm kinda starting to miss the days when presidents pretended to be above the "average" man. When they hid the fact that they used words like that because they wanted it to appear to the rest of the world that the leader of the U.S. had class.

and his celebrity soirees . . .

I'm wondering if we're watching a frat party or an administration concerned with running a country.

I'm not opposed to the staffers taking some time off to relax, of course, I'm just saying remember when we had presidents that cared about appearances? Remember when the press expected the president to show how much he cared that the country was going through devastating times?

I'm beginning to think we've really just elected a celebrity in chief. And the press have forgotten the standards they held up just a couple of short years ago.

That's okay. I'm sure they'll remember them next time a Republican's in office.

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