When George Bush and the Republicans were spending our money as if there was an endless supply of it, I thought, "Well, he did run on the whole compassionate conservative thing." I thought the whole idea was stupid, but the economy was good and I figured we could survive it.
When the Democrats took over the House and Senate I thought, "Eh, politicians. They're all basically the same anyway. How different can it be?" And I figured we could survive it.
When Obama won the election and people were talking about how radical he was I really thought the majority of the stuff was rhetoric and exaggerations. I figured why not give him the benefit of the doubt? It was, after all, an historic election - the turning of a dark page in America's story. I assumed we could survive it, maybe even thrive in the midst of it.
But when the Democrats stood up and applauded the president of Mexico for trashing our country, damn it, I finally woke up to the fact that our country is in deep crap. Officially.
Are you freaking kidding me? They feel completely comfortable giving a standing ovation to a man ripping OUR immigration policy? Our laws? First off, the hypocrisy from Calderon is astounding. His country is repeatedly cited for human rights violations for their treatment of Central American illegal immigrants. Um, not to mention, in Mexico foreigners must have their papers AT ALL TIMES so they can show them to officials when asked. And all this insidious drivel coming from the president of a country notorious for corruption, missing people, bribery, kidnapping, drug running . . . you get the idea.
As a mother and a proud American I can say that was the final straw for me. I hope to see ads of the traitors that stood in the great halls of Congress applauding that hypocrite - and run them over and over and over again. None of them deserve re-election. And every single one of them owes us an apology. We elect these people to represent us. To uphold OUR constitution. We expect them to be on our side, damn it.
What will be left of our country if things continue the way they're going now? What will be left for our children? I've never felt our rights were so threatened as they are now. It doesn't seem like hype anymore. Our constitution is in jeopardy. Truly, our leaders do not feel loyalty to their constituents any longer - we saw that in the passing of the hellacious health care monstrosity.
So, I'm starting a forum for moms - and dads, of course - to explore topics important to the future of our country. I am not a professional and I'm not an expert on history, so I will be investigating things in open - for myself. I hope to create a blog where my kids can find truth on topics that matter to our country. I want to take on subjects from all points of view, wade through all the lies and find some speck of truth. Somewhere. Surely that's possible?
Do I start with a bias? Of course. We all do. And to tell the truth, I generally lean to the right on issues. However, the time for one-sidedness is well past. There's plenty of crap being flung around on both sides of the political spectrum, so I want to wade through all the dung and come out on the other side with answers for my kids.
I will learn as I go. And we'll pray there's something left of America for our children when we come out on the other side.